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Gordon J. Christensen - Practical Clinical Courses® Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit.  Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.  6/1/24 to 5/31/27.  Provider ID# 208521

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Gordon J. Christensen - Practical Clinical Courses® is an ADA CERP recognized provider.  ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education.  ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

Successful Isolation of Operating Fields

Product Details

Gordon J. Christensen, DDS, MSD, PhD & Valinda Johnston, CDA, CPT

Many dental procedures require an isolated operating field.  Are you confident you can successfully accomplish this task?  Currently, there are adequate, easy-to-use products and concepts to achieve a great isolated field for most restorative, endodontic, and some surgical procedures. Most of them may be quickly mastered by qualified staff persons.  To name a few of these products — Isolite 3, Dry Shield, Mr. Thirsty, OptraGate, Umbrella, DryDent, NeoDrys, Dri-Angles, Hygoformic Ejectors, and Dentapops.  Also shown are light cure resins used to isolate difficult restorative fields, methods to remove ~90% of aerosol contamination and, of course, rubber dam.  Sound interesting? This video demonstrates the best products and how to use them. It will help you to produce optimum-quality dentistry and give you great peace of mind.

Closed Captioning available, streaming version

Table of Contents

  • Why and When Is a Non-Contaminated Operating Field Necessary?
  • Staff Responsibilities
  • Methods to Produce non-Contaminated Fields
  • Absorption Products
  • Retraction and/or Isolation Products
  • Suction Products
  • Suction/Isolation Products
  • Clinical Procedures Requiring Non-Contaminated Operating Fields and Technique Suggestions for Each
  • Rubber Dam - Latex and Non-Latex
  • Isolation Devices (Isolite 3, Mr. Thirsty, DryShield, and VacuLUX)
  • Tongue, Lip, and Cheek Retractors (OptraGate and Umbrella)
  • Saliva Absorption Products (DryTips, DryDent, and NeoDrys)
  • Saliva Ejectors
  • Hygoformic Hands-Free Ejectors
  • Dentapop
  • Combination Isolation Package
  • High Velocity Evacuation (HVE)
  • Adjunctive Devices for HVE
  • Conclusion
Video Length: 60 minutes

Item #: V3531

CE Credits: 2

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