Pain Control, Opioid Prescribing, and Substance Abuse Prevention
Product Details
Instructor: Harold Crossley, DDS, MS, PhD
Recording from our live webinar. Available in streaming format only. This On-Demand Course can be watched multiple times and is guaranteed to be available for one year after purchase. Longer if title is still current.
This program will include the practical pharmacologic management of post-operative dental pain and appropriate opioid prescribing in adults and children. For centuries, opioids have been used to control pain and suffering, but at what cost to us, our families, and our dental practices? What is the new FDA warning about codeine and tramadol in children? Why are NSAIDs more appropriate than opioids for treating post-operative dental pain? What are prescription drug monitoring programs? These questions and more will be answered in this 3-hour virtual course.
At the conclusion of this course, the attendees will know:
- How to minimize prescribing opioids for controlling post-operative dental pain.
- How to combine over-the-counter (OTC) analgesics to maximize their effects.
- The usefulness of their state’s prescription drug monitoring program.
- The progressive nature of addictive disease.
Closed Captioning available
Comments from Course Participants:
"I appreciate the opportunity to learn and review some very important information from a very knowledgeable and effective instructor."
"This was an outstanding presentation. Dr. Crossley's expansive knowledge and first hand experience, coupled with his enthusiastic and folksy speaking style, made what often can be a dry and soporific topic, captivating, entertaining and educational."
"Excellent speaker! Knows his subject very well."