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Gordon J. Christensen - Practical Clinical Courses® Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit.  Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.  6/1/24 to 5/31/27.  Provider ID# 208521

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Gordon J. Christensen - Practical Clinical Courses® is an ADA CERP recognized provider.  ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education.  ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

Predictable, Fast, Long-Lasting Composites!

Predictable, Fast, Long-Lasting Composites! - X3512 - CE Video Library

Product Details

This video is from our virtual course.  Available in streaming format only.  This On-Demand Course can be watched multiple times and is guaranteed to be available for one year after purchase.  Longer if title is still current.

Composite is one of the most-used restorative materials in dentistry today.  The average practitioner accomplishes about 8 composites each day. Composite brands and techniques are different. Some restorations are smooth, some are rough, some wear excessively, sensitivity is still present, margins break off in some, colors mismatch, and liners and bonding agents are bioactive or not.  Many practitioners struggle with difficulty of placement, finishing, and sensitivity issues.   Gordon will help simplify the complex range of composite materials available and share those techniques guaranteed to increase your speed while maintaining high quality results and optimum longevity.

Joined by some of our experienced PCC Mentor clinicians, Gordon will offer participants unbiased, research-based information combined with broad-based, real-world practice application to help make your composites faster, more predictable, and long-lasting.

The following concepts are included:

  • Avoiding aerosol production
  • Conservative effective prep techniques
  • The best composite brands
  • Direct and indirect pulp caps
  • Liners and bases
  • Desensitization
  • Disinfection
  • “Bulk-filling”
  • Solving the light curing challenge
  • Finishing without “white-lines”
  • Practice management
  • Making composite placement enjoyable

This video is from our virtual course on August 8, 2020.  Available in streaming format only.  This On-Demand Course can be watched multiple times and is guaranteed to be available for one-year after purchase.

Comments from our course participants:

"I thought the presentation and information was excellent. I expect to take several of the suggestions back to my office for immediate inclusion. I particularly enjoyed being privy to the banter between Dr Christensen and the mentors. This was something I have not felt present at typical seminar presentations.  The different approaches by each was enlightening (material selection, curing lights, etc.). "

"This course was great, and I learned a lot with regard to material selection and common reasons for less than ideal outcomes. The panel answered my main concerns in the questions section very well! Thank you for an awesome course, I will sign up again for future courses."

Item #: X3512


Predictable, Fast, Long-Lasting Composites! - X3512 - CE Video Library