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Gordon J. Christensen - Practical Clinical Courses® Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit.  Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.  6/1/24 to 5/31/27.  Provider ID# 208521

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Gordon J. Christensen - Practical Clinical Courses® is an ADA CERP recognized provider.  ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education.  ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

New Soft-Tissue Grafting Alternatives - Time to Change!

Product Details

Lee Silverstein, DDS, MS, MBA and Gordon J. Christensen, DDS, MSD, PhD

You see indications for soft-tissue grafting every day you practice, but is your knowledge up-to-date on the grafting possibilities and techniques?  Simple soft-tissue grafting is a significant service to provide in your practice, as well as another revenue source. In this presentation, Lee and Gordon show root coverage, autogenous connective tissue grafting, covering exposed crown margins to improve esthetics (The Tarnow Technique), how to deal with biocorrosive abfractions, covering unsightly gingival discolorations, soft-tissue ridge augmentation, the “pin-hole” technique, alternative allograft materials, acellular dermal matrix, and numerous other topics.  Update yourself with this one-hour video that will excite you and your staff, and provide new services for your patients!

Table of Contents

  • Why Gingival Grafting?
  • Root Coverage: Autogenous Connective Tissue Graft
  • Dermal Matrix
  • Connective Tissue Graft Multiple Teeth Envelope Harvest
  • Covering Crown Margins in the Esthetic Zone:  Semilunar Transpositional Flap "Tarnow Procedure"
  • Biocorrosive Abfractions or Class V Restorations Present
  • Covering Unsightly Gingival Colorations
  • Types of Soft-Tissue Grafts: Autogenous Palatal or Connective Tissue Ridge Augmentation
  • Types of Soft-Tissue Ridge Augmentation: Connective Tissue Ridge Augmentation
  • Transpositional Soft-Tissue Grafts: Laterally Repositioned Transpositional Grafts
  • Pinhole "Gingival Rejuvenation"
  • Allograft: Acellular Dermal Matrix
  • Alternative Allograft Materials
  • Suturing
  • Conclusion

Item #: V4385

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New Soft-Tissue Grafting Alternatives - Time to Change! - V4385 - Periodontics - CE Video Library