AGD logo2020

Gordon J. Christensen - Practical Clinical Courses® Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit.  Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.  6/1/24 to 5/31/27.  Provider ID# 208521

CERP logo

Gordon J. Christensen - Practical Clinical Courses® is an ADA CERP recognized provider.  ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education.  ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

Does PCC offer credits that will be accepted by my state?

PCC is an ADA CERP recognized provider, as well as an approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or ADA/AGD endorsement. Please contact your local state board to see if they will accept ADA CERP/AGD PACE provider programs.

In response to those questions from dentists in California - Yes, PCC is a Continuing Education Registered Provider for the dental board of California.

In compliance with our certification requirements, PCC annually reviews our DVD library to see if the concepts and techniques are current.  If a video no longer represents the current clinical standards, the title is discontinued.  We are unable to predict if upcoming technology will rapidly replace any given topic; therefore, we cannot place a definitive expiration date on the CE for your DVD purchase.  Some concepts are slow to change, thus these DVDs will remain in our catalog for many years.  Some concepts experience rapid growth, and we may discontinue the title after a short time.  PCC will honor CE for the lifetime of the video, or within 6 months of purchase, whichever is longest.

Where can I get a copy of the video post-test for CE credits?

A video tutorial is located here. If you have an online account, your CE tests for all recent online purchases are available on your account page, under "My CE Tests".  The "My CE Tests" page will also grade all your test submissions immediately, and maintain a record of your submitted tests, and allow you to download your certificate for all the passed tests.  Directions on how to use your online account for taking your test are located by clicking here.

For submitting paper copies of the test, you may fax it to (801) 226-8637, email it to, or mail it to: Practical Clinical Courses, 3707 North Canyon Road, Suite 3D, Provo, UT  84604

70% or higher is a passing grade, and you will be mailed a completion certificate for your records.

How long do I have to take the test for my video?

Each video is evaluated annually to see if the concepts and techniques are current.  If a video no longer represents current clinical standards, the title is discontinued.  We are unable to predict if upcoming technology will replace any given topic; therefore, we cannot place a definitive expiration date on the CE video test.  Some concepts are slow to change, thus these videos will remain in our library for many years.  Some concepts experience rapid growth, and we may discontinue the title after a short time.  You may take a video's CE test at any time it's currently sold.  Upon a title's discontinuance, you will be given 6 month's warning to complete your test before it is no longer available.

How many CE units can I receive for each video?

To help you and your staff obtain your CE requirements, PCC designates 2 CE hours for every video whose item # begins with "V" or "S".  Videos with item # starting with "R" are worth 6 CE and "X" are 3 CE.  CE units for our video productions include the time to watch the product and complete the additional resource reading that accompanies the video.  CE units for our virtual courses are solely based on the length of the presentation, as no additional reading is included.  The tests are available for download or to take online.  Each video purchase allows one person to take the test for no extra charge.  A passing score of 70% or higher is required.  

Can I have my associate (partner, staff) take the test for credit too?

The test is complimentary for the purchaser.  If you require CE tests for staff members or an additional doctor to receive credit , the fees are: 

  • Dentist (limit 1 additional dentist per video purchase):  $25 
  • Auxiliary (no limit):  $10  for each auxiliary test for videos that are  2 CE or less,  $20 for each auxiliary test for videos of 3 CE or greater.  Each auxiliary must take their own individual test.  No group submissions.

If additional tests are required, you must download the test, return to PCC with the appropriate fees, and allow 2-3 weeks for grading and certificate return.